Tuesday, May 10, 2011

New website!

Good day, everyone!

Thank you to the help of Asayume, we now moved to a new website. The address is http://www.raindrops.in-assumption.com/. There we are hosted at Asayume's place with a better organization abilities than what we have here, so we have decided to move and continue the website at the new place.

I hope that all of you would still visit us there at the new website. We would still need your help, so don't leave us! We're working hard on Xing Gui second chapter, Messiah first chapter, and on La Corda D'Oro 3 as well. So keep supporting us by at least visiting us at the website, drop a message, say hi to us, or maybe even help us by joining the team!

Your support is very much appreciated. See you soon on the new website! :D


  1. Hey, I really really appreciate you guys works .. I mean it should take a lot of time to translate everything ... So yeah i really want to see more works of you guys :) ^^ ... Especially Ouke No Monshou ... Big thank for you guys ;)

  2. Thank you very much for your support, chi!
    To be honest, translating does not take too much time compared to editing the raws. Especially since we don't have too many editors, and most of them are also busy, so we can't help but to release things pretty slow at the moment. As for Ouke no Monshou, as I mentioned, we lack people to work on it so we're putting it into side project at the moment. I'll do my best to get more people to help so we can move on with the original plan.

    Thank you very much, once again! :D

  3. Yup! I have some Chinese friends and we are students so we will have plenty of time during summer ^^ ... So if you need help, I can ask them :) ...

  4. Ah, thank you very much, chi! To think about it again, from translating side, I think we're doing pretty well. Maybe we'll need help from one more Chinese translator. Since for Xing Gui chapters, we're still searching for good quality raws to use as we work on what we have. For Messiah, we're waiting as the new chapter is released, so we can't do much but wait. Still, I appreciated your support. It means a lot. :D
